Secretly by Talya Blaine [GUEST POST]


[Transformation Series - Book 2] Unquenchable chemistry. The rare gift of a second chance. Choices that could destroy it all. Quinn and Jona...

[Transformation Series - Book 2]

Unquenchable chemistry. The rare gift of a second chance. Choices that could destroy it all.

Quinn and Jonathan’s erotic journey continues as sizzling tension tests their “friends for now” pact.

After a desperate call interrupts a failed platonic dinner—and a water main break renders Quinn homeless—she’s left with little choice: Take Jonathan up on his just-friends-no-benefits offer to share his apartment.

But getting closer? A romantic relationship? Not an option. Even after that one impulsive and magical but heartbreaking kiss.

Damn, that kiss. It tells Jonathan all he needs to know about Quinn’s feelings and only deepens his desire to build a life with her. Until her defensive walls throw him back into reality. The reality in which his sweet gig as Spice of Life’s travel show host is on the line. The reality in which he can’t fully accept Quinn’s involvement at Octavia’s dungeon. The reality in which the woman he adores is still grieving—and not ready to hear the three words he needs to say.

The second novel in the Transformation Series, Secretly turns up the heat: A secret trip to a Parisian chateau dungeon, a last-minute wedding to plan, a bold, perhaps impulsive, career decision. Quinn and Jonathan each make choices that alter the course of their lives. Can they forge a shared future?

A story about discovery and desire, friendship and boundaries, freedom and risk. About the delicate balance between intimacy and autonomy. About the struggle to love again and how we choose to live the second chapter of our lives.

Friends to lovers, slow burn, second chance, fish out of water—readers will click with the themes in this edgy contemporary erotic romance. Features characters over 40 and a sexy beta hero. Mature themes, strong language, kink, dungeon and steamy open-door bedroom scenes.


$6.99 at Time of Posting
Adult | Contemporary | Romance
Published: February 28, 2023
Length: 219 Pages
Tour Provided by Xpresso Book Tours

 The Guest Post 

TBR Asks Talya:

How did you come up with the idea for Secretly?

As I was writing one of the later scenes in the previous book, Silently, the scene where Quinn is in the hospital and Jonathan climbs into bed with her and they talk--really talk--I realized there was too much growing between them for their story to end. After I finished writing Silently, that feeling continued--I could not get Quinn and Jonathan out of my head. So I began writing Secretly, and the two of them took it from there. 

What was your favorite scene or theme in Secretly to write?

That's easy. Wait, actually I have two favorites. The first is when... Hmm, how to say this without spoilers... The first is when Jonathan catches Quinn off guard at one point and she's a sweaty mess in the summer heat, and she's SO awkward with him. He gloats a bit rethinking it later, but in the moment he's himself--sweet and sexy and relieved she's not angry with him. They're both so real with each other in that scene.

And the other scene I loved writing is when they think they see each other in Paris. During revisions, I was this close (pinching fingers together) to cutting it. But I kept it in and I believe the book is better for it. I think it shows that, at the end of the day, no matter what issues have arisen between them, they're just really connected to each other. 

What was the hardest scene or theme to write?

The hardest theme through all three books was Quinn's grief. Although it lessens over time, it was difficult to balance showing the depth of her sorrow with keeping the story moving forward. In a way, I had to do the same thing to her that the characters were doing -- trying to respect her feelings, her experience, her healing process while also nudging her on at a pace that felt "right" for the story. 

Your blog says you love-love-love to read. What are you reading right now? 

A funny, sharply written erotic romance with fake dating and multiple partners, Mint to Be by Madelynne Ellis, and I just finished--and am still thinking about (in the best way)--Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid

What's your writing routine like?

Writing routine. 🤣😂 Hah, that's a good one. I'm more of a fits and starts kind of girl. I wish I could say otherwise but that's the truth. I don't always write everyday. But when I'm in the middle of a draft, with the ideas clamoring to be put onto the page, I will write every single minute of the day that I can.

How can readers find you online?

Visit my blog, or connect with me on BingeBooksBookBub or Goodreads. To keep up with new releases and special offers, the best way is to add your email to my list

Talya Blaine writes later-in-life contemporary romance that’s emotionally intense and thought-provoking, spicy and sweet. She writes “older” characters (40+), sexy beta heroes, and explores how relationships of all types change over time. Silently (Transformation Series Book 1) is her debut romance, with Secretly (Book 2) and Entirely (Book 3) completed and releasing soon.

 The Giveaway 


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TBR Addictions: Secretly by Talya Blaine [GUEST POST]
Secretly by Talya Blaine [GUEST POST]
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